Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week 3

Today in my English class we are working again on the 20% project.Valerie and I couldn't really work on it because our third group member Alex was not here.We are still trying to figure out if we will write a children's book or a collection of short stories.For me personally I am fine with either idea but we all need to agree on what we are working on.I think that we will all have to compromise our ideas and pick what will be best for the group.We were thinking of writing a book like the Junie B. Jones series but we are still trying to figure everything out.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really great idea. I think between the three of you, you will be able to come up with some great stories. Just compromise and try to make a decision soon so you can start brainstorming your stories. Keep up the good work.
    -Ms. Ruger
